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CWC graduates local students, Durfee says goodbye

JH News & Guide | By Jeanette Boner, Education Reporter

CWC graduates local students, Durfee says goodbye

周六,在国家野生动物艺术博物馆举行的学校毕业典礼上,乐天堂app的毕业护理班为诺兰·斯奎尔·耶尼克(Nolan Squier Jaenicke)鼓掌. 19名学生,包括8名护理专业的学生,从CWC的乐天堂app校区毕业. ERIN BURK / NEWS&GUIDE

It was an intimate gathering of friends, 在周六的乐天堂app毕业典礼上, 周六在国家野生动物艺术博物馆举行.

当毕业生们站在舞台上时,他们是新晋的护理人员和教育工作者, 厨师和商界领袖——每位教授都精心安排了一个展示非凡作品的时刻, 每一个毕业生的奉献和常常看不见的努力.

“丹尼是那种你可以信赖的厨师,” said Justin Stone, the Director of Hospitality Programs, of graduating culinary student Danny Garcia-Santos. “他以热情和对细节的不懈关注处理他的工作, from the mundane to the extravagant. 我们可以指望他在厨房里以适度的坚定和安静的自信传递这种能量,” said Stone, 他补充说,加西亚-桑托斯在上学期间还做了一份全职工作.

桑切斯拿到B后,玛丽亚·桑切斯和阿纳希·加西亚拥抱在一起.A.S. 周六,在国家野生动物艺术博物馆举行的中怀俄明学院毕业典礼上,他获得了幼儿教育学位. ERIN BURK / NEWS&GUIDE
周六,在国家野生动物艺术博物馆举行的乐天堂app毕业典礼上,特雷弗·马图泽克(Trevor Matuszek)拍了拍他的毕业证书. ERIN BURK / NEWS&GUIDE

今年,乐天堂app乐天堂app有19名学生毕业,其中包括8名护理专业的学生. Maria Fernanda Sanchez-Franco was the first student at the Jackson campus to graduate with the Bachelor of Applied Science degree in Organizational Management and Leadership; a newer degree offering from CWC.

玛丽亚·费尔南达·桑切斯-佛朗哥也获得了四年制的幼儿教育学位. 其他人则毕业于计算机技术专业, health science and hotel and restaurant management.

“It takes dedication … to balance monitors, 课程作业,大学课程和所有其他的课外活动,” Kirsten Kapp, professor of biological sciences, said of graduating student Kathryn Munger.

周六,在国家野生动物艺术博物馆举行的乐天堂app毕业典礼上,宣布退休的德菲走上领奖台,布拉德·廷德尔和苏珊·德菲拥抱在一起. ERIN BURK / NEWS&GUIDE

Munger is the oldest of six siblings. 她是星谷的一名在家上学的学生,在获得高中文凭的同时,还在怀俄明州中央学院获得了健康科学副学士学位. 她说这个学位是她进入医学院的垫脚石.


乐天堂app可以成为一个教育大熔炉, providing the right mix of energy, guidance and gusto so that students, 不管他们在人生的旅途中处于什么位置, can navigate their own personal educational success.

“Wendy’s story is that of perseverance, grit and determination,” said Brittany Yeates, the Dean of Business, Technology, Health and Safety.


“教职员工都说,正是通过努力工作和坚定的承诺,你们才有了今天的成就,” Yeates said. “Wendy, 今天,你要告诉你的孩子和无数其他人,做你想做的事情永远不会太晚,开始和结束一样重要.”

With eight students earning their “pin,这是护理界的一个重要标志,表明他们已经准备好在医疗保健的第一线工作, 护理学教授莱西·吉本斯和安娜·贝勒称赞了毕业生们的勇气.

Nathan Henglefelt把Kaysha的护理学位认定为自己的女儿, Tinsley and Kaiser, 看看周六在国家野生动物艺术博物馆举行的乐天堂app毕业典礼.

“作为未来医疗保健超级英雄的医疗保健导师, 我们今天站在这里见证了艰苦工作的成果, dedication and commitment,” Gibbens said. “你接受了挑战,肩负起整个世界的重担. Literally.”

吉本斯和贝勒叫来每个学生领取胸针, 他们选出一位家庭成员或朋友上台“别针”这位新晋护士.

The president of the community college, 布拉德·廷德尔在典礼上向毕业生们表示祝贺. 他还授予CWC主任苏珊·德菲“院长”称号.”

德菲在毕业典礼上宣布,在乐天堂app校区待了16年后, she would be retiring.

“Education is truly the future,” Tyndall said. “Education can be transformational. 它正在改变人们的生活,加强社区. And Susan embodies that mission of caring.”





2024 Central Wyoming College – Jackson campus

Stacy L. Benjamin, Associate Degree in Nursing

Asia L. Butler, Hotel and Restaurant Management

Jessie Castillo, Early Childhood Education

Andrew J. Eckl, Associate Degree in Nursing

Wendy Mayte Gaona Labra, Accounting-Bookkeeping

Eduardo Garcia Ramos, Computer Technology

Daniel “Danny” Garcia-Santos, Culinary Arts

Maria Margarita Gomez Frias, Culinary Arts

Kaysha Raelynne Hengelfelt, Associate Degree in Nursing

Lauren E. Holmberg, Associate Degree in Nursing

Nolan Squier Jaenicke, Associate Degree in Nursing, Health Science

Matthew Eugene Kirby, Associate Degree in Nursing

Matthew Lyon, Electrical Apprenticeship

Trevor Matuszek, Associate Degree in Nursing

Kathryn Darlene Munger, Health Science

Nicole Jeanette Provencher, Associate Degree in Nursing

Emily T. Richards组织管理与领导应用科学学士学位

Maria Fernanda Sanchez-Franco, Early Childhood Education

Kevin S. Susano, Technical Studies: Psychology and Business