Home / CWC Lander / Alpine Science Institute / Beginning Farm Training and Farm Incubator
无论是扩大你的家庭花园还是成为一名企业家, CWC农场孵化器有多种方式供您学习, grow, and thrive.
As a community college, we know local. 我们希望通过在怀俄明州中部发展经济上和环境上可持续的农场企业,帮助有抱负和刚起步的农民种植有营养的食物. 我们的目标是扩大农业领域的就业和商业机会,同时为我们的社区提供负担得起的, sustainable fruits, vegetables, and meat.
怀俄明人想为当地市场生产食物, but there are some challenges they face; high altitude climate, limited access to arable land, and lack of business skills.
位于阿尔卑斯科学研究所的风河山脉的山麓, 农场孵化器在高海拔地区培养有抱负和刚起步的农业企业家, semi-arid fruit, 并进行蔬菜作物的生产和经营策划.
初级农民可以根据他们的教育和商业需要在多个点参加该计划. 对家庭菜园种植食物感兴趣的人可能只想参加作物生产实习. 一个需要更多的会计和商业规划技能来扩大现有农场业务的初级农民可以参加小规模农场规划 & Management Course. 一个人希望扩大他们的家庭花园为农场业务可以申请进入农场孵化器, and, 在展示了作物生产技能并展示了他们的商业计划之后, lease a farm plot to gain access to irrigated, arable land.
一个有抱负的农民也可以选择更全面的教育途径,通过完成AAS是再生小规模农业或农场证书 & 强调再生农业和小规模农业的牧场管理.
In 2023 Central Wyoming College hosted an event, “收获怀俄明:小型农场研讨会”-在与小型农场相关的各种主题上举行了多次伟大的研讨会.
人们想知道他们的食物来自哪里,是如何种植的. In the regenerative small scale farming program, 学生将掌握操作小型餐馆所必需的技能, diversified fruit and vegetable farm. 注重对环境无害的作物生产做法, business skills, economic viability, and social responsibility, 该计划为学生准备经营自己的农场业务或在各种专注于土壤健康的岗位上工作, horticulture, and food security.
为期5个月的高海拔综合课程, semi-arid fruit and vegetable production, and regenerative ag practices.
该格式包括特定主题的在线学习模块和每周3天的现场课程. 实地考察日包括校外农场旅游和客座专家. Students are registered for the following classes:
作物生产实习课程I -早季耕作方法. 这是一个为期6周的实践课程,旨在教授适合田间和花园规模生产的早期种植方法和技术. Topics include sustainable, organic, and regenerative agricultural practices, managing soil health, propagation and greenhouse management, and crop planning.
作物生产实习II -季中耕作方法. 为期6周的实践课程,旨在教授适合田间和花园规模生产的季中种植方法和技术. 主题包括农场设备库存和维护, transplanting and direct seeding, managing weeds, pests, and plant disease, composting, and biodynamic preparations.
作物生产实习课程III-晚季耕作方法. 为期6周的实践课程,旨在教授适合田间和花园规模生产的晚季农业方法和技术. Topics include cover cropping, produce marketing, harvesting techniques, food safety, and post-harvest handling.
Course Number | Course Title | Credits |
AECL 1970 | Crop Production Practicum I | 3 |
AECL 1971 | Crop Production Practicum II | 3 |
AECL 1972 | Crop Production Practicum III | 3 |
A semester-length course covering local, state, and national ag resources, enterprise accounting, bookkeeping, business planning, business risk management, marketing strategies, and more. 学生注册AECL 2100综合资源管理课程. 3 credits.
Course Number | Course Title | Credits |
AECL 2100 | Integrated Resources Management | 3 |
Beginning farmers have access to land, business support, 在展示作物生产技能和展示他们的商业计划后获得指导. 孵化器为那些完成商业计划但没有自己的农田创业的学生租赁面积从八分之一英亩到四分之一英亩不等的农场.
社区食品系统证书II旨在为学生提供小规模的, diversified fruit and vegetable production skills, 以及解释小农场如何融入更广泛的当地粮食和农业系统的能力.
小规模农场管理证书II旨在为学生提供小规模, diversified fruit and vegetable production skills, 以及企业管理技能,为学生开展自己的小规模农场业务做好准备.
2660 Peck Avenue
Riverton, WY 82501
(307) 855 – 2000
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120 Enterprise Blvd.
Lander, WY 82520
(307) 332 – 3394
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240 S. Glenwood St #124
P.O. Box 4795
Jackson, WY 83001
(307) 733 – 7425
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302 W. Ramshorn
P.O. Box 175
Dubois, WY 82513
(307) 455 – 2625
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